Monday, September 29, 2014

Worth More than a Diamond

This rock is worth $16,561,171. This little, pink hunk of stone. It did no good deeds, never said a nice thing to anyone. Never created something amazing or discovered the meaning of life. This piece of the earth has done nothing to earn its riches. Essentially, a diamond is worthless. Nothing. If we as a human race did not give it value, it would not have any. The diamond did nothing to be worth millions, but we decided this rock should cost hundreds.

This last week, we learned about hearing God’s voice. God speaks to us in many different ways, including audibly, in visions and dreams, or that little voice in our heads. As I thought about and meditated on this, I realized God has spoken to me all the time, I had just never recognized it as Him. I had always given myself the credit. A simple example is walking into the grocery store and forgetting what you needed to buy. It was super important to get this one specific item… but you cannot remember what it was! Suddenly, it comes to you. You needed peanut butter so you could make me puppy chow and send it to me (I will gladly send you my address ;) ) What I realized while talking to God during my run was that the little voice reminding me about peanut butter was Him. I wasn’t the one who remembered, God reminded me. This applies to every good thing I have done. It was not on my own accord, but God working through me. I am simply a vessel for his majesty.

We are worth nothing. After the fall of Adam and Eve, the sinful nature of humanity has ruled our race. I completely and utterly deserve death. I accept this. I understand why. I am a sinner and God cannot have sin near Him. I know Christ saved me and washed my sins away, covering me in His love so I would be with God eternally in heaven.

Yet, I am God’s princess. The apple of His eye. Somehow, though I am worth nothing and can never do anything ever to achieve any worth, God loved me and found me worthy to die for. Worthy to be accepted into His kingdom. Just as humans gave a diamond worth, Christ chose to give us worth. He decided we are worth a fortune, so He bestows on us His crown.

God has decided to crown you His daughter, to be worth more than all the diamonds in the world. Nothing I have ever done or will ever do, good or bad, will change how much Christ says I am worth. He suffered and died for me, knowing how much I would hurt him, and decided I was worth it anyway. I don’t know about you, but I think that makes me pretty valuable.

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